bizhub 284e

bizhub 284e

To keep you ahead of rising workloads, the bizhub 284e multifunction laser printer does far more than stand-alone printers — printing and copying with greater speed in high-resolution B&W, capturing documents at up to 160 originals per minute, and raising your value with scalable productivity options for 4-line fax, auto finishing and enhanced security.

Konica Minolta MarketPlace

Principales caractéristiques

bizhub 284e

Autres caractéristiques

  • High-speed 28 ppm B&W print/copy output — no more lines at the printer
  • Optional dual scanning at up to 160 opm in colour and B&W for fast document capture
  • Built-in Emperon print system with PCL6/PS3 emulation, native XPS
  • Large 9” colour display — as simple to operate as a familiar tablet
  • Multi-touch functions: swipe, drag, double-tap, toggle, pinch
  • Transparent menus, customizable icons, improved soft keyboards
  • Downloadable apps to make you more productive
  • Complies with IEEE 2600.1 international security standard
  • Downloadable apps from our bizhub Marketplace to improve your productivity.

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